
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Hello All,

Its sad to believe that here where I am in Australia there is only 7 days 4 hours and 50 minutes until I will be sitting in the cinema at the midnight screening actually watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. Whilst I am truly excited about seeing this film because I have waited so long, I am also very sad because I honesty live for this series so I will be quite lost.

As the countdown for most countries all ends between the 13th - 22nd of July, there is the World Premiere in London on the 7th July, lets just say I will deffinatelly be watching the livestreme of the red carpet at 4am my time :D Here is the link just here to the facebook livestream

Also lately I have been quite excited about the new movie that I have been watching countles inteviews with the cast to see if I might be able to get a glimpse or hear any information about the Movie

Its hards to believe this is te last time that we will ever countdown to a new Harry Potter film.
'All was well'

Author 'Dromeda

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Well,just wanted to share a few videos with you guys :P
This post isn't a Parsley Broomstick Edition..Just something random I wanted to post x)

Sorry for adding some Mean Girls stuff...But I just love it :P

Well,now for some NON HP Related stuff.
Just some music,yo.

And for a HP trailer..(No reason of course. I bet you lovely people have already watched it.)

Love you guys!
Your Admin,Lily :)

The Parsley Broomstick Edition # 8


We may know it or we may very well ignore it..
Harry Potter is going to end this July which is, just by the way, IN A COUPLE OF DAYS.
No matter if you react like me and this rabbit over here >>>>
Or you just simply deny the fact that your childhood is going to end.. You can almost feel the rest of your childhood ticking away and fading into the darkness of a Potterless world.
Although, J.K Rowling and many more fansites, are doing their best to keep Potter alive for eternity with Pottermore and a lot of different interactive websites, (Hexrpg, TheParslemouths), it seems that the studios have already moved on. They're looking for the next Harry Potter and Twilight Saga.  And now dear reader you are...

  • That nerd that's writing a book and want it to be the next Harry Potter.
  • Or that random dude that has no idea about anything.
  • OR you just watch the movies and don't give a shit.
I, for example, am having a nervous emotional breakdown.
Pffft. "All was well" Yeah right. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NOW!? HMMM?
Our tips to help HP live ON :

  1. Start your own RP crew, fansite or blog about Harry Potter.
  2. Fanfics and Fan drawings are also a very good way to draw attention to the Chosen One.
  3. Just annoy the whole world with your obsessed Pottertalk.
  4. Join interactive websites and Facebook pages about YOUR favorite books and movies. 
  5. Re-read the books until you drop dead.
  6. Force your younger cousins or your children to read Harry Potter. Be disappointed if they don't like it.
And let us all hope that Harry will have a VERY LONG very happy life.

We also know that you may tend to be a little depressed at the end of your childhood's best memories. 
So here are a couple of things to cheer you up:
  • Watching Disney Movies.
  • The Book Of Awesome (
  • The Secret series (The Secret of Teen Power, The Secret of Love.)
  • Lots of Junk Food while watching Harry Potter.
  • Finding a new addiction. (Although we all know that  nothing can top Harry Potter.
  • Fighting a Twi-hard. Yes. It helps.
  • And many many more!
Honor the Potter and live like an Otter. 
Failwhale crushes my head with shame..

Your Admin, Cho :D

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Parsley Broomstick Edition # 7

Well,It basically means 'Oh,Hi there!'
Anyway...Let's start straight away!

Hermione Granger (Emma Watson)
Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe)
I think the posters are really good. They capture the expression of each character rather well. If you look at Hermione,she's looking ahead at the dangers. She's brave at that moment but rather worried about what will happen to the others. She's trying to get herself cool and calm to continue this fight,knowing it'll turn out right in the end. (And she gets it right! Well..mostly..)
Ron has a grim expression since he already knows his brother Fred has died. He wants revenge (NOW!) but he's trying to remain composed. He looks like he's about to give it up but also at the same time trying to move forward.
Harry...Well Harry now knows that he has to give himself up to Voldemort if he needs to make everything alright. He's blaming himself for the deaths and he knows whose side Severus is on now. He's going towards the Shrieking Shack,ready to give himself up for death.

Ronald Weasley (Rupert Grint)

The background is also pretty good. The red shows the signs of the battle and the greenish gloom shows the darkness around. Also the way they position their wands can tell a lot. Ron's wand is a bit slack on his side showing that he's tired of this fight but wants revenge..Or he's trying to use the best of his mind to devise a good plan (Which would be a first..I kid..We love you Ron! )
Hermione's wand is held up firmly at her side. She's ready to go on and  fight. She looks confident but worried. (About the others,of course. Hermione's a rather selfless person)
Does that mean he's coming back from the fight with Voldy? And he's got the Elder Wand?
Ah well..My huge post above went to waste then. But I'm still keeping it in the newspaper since I took some time to write it. (I know it's small..But it seems rather large when you're trying to keep up with your Homework at the same time)
Feel loved people,that instead of doing my urgent homework I'm sitting and making a newspaper for all you awesome people :)

Well,have you guys seen AVPM yet? Since I'm putting some pictures down there :D
I feel for you Ginny :)
Get your facts right Ced. And stop smiling like a fool. OK,I do agree they ARE particularly good finders.
One Rocketship on your way..Still trying to persuade Miss Granger.
Real humble Harry. Way to go.
Now THAT is a supermegafoxyawesomehot pic of Voldy :D
Now three....

Okay...So we all know that Harry Potter actors rock,don't we? Well..I have to say fan art pics are also rather good! I'll be posting some pics of my favorite couple (Well...Not really couple) Severus and Lily :)

This is really beautiful :D
Lily's really pretty :) I like the light effect in this picture.
I think this is really cute :)
 Well,three pictures are enough for now!

Anyway...Today which is 28th June (In my time at least :P) Is the birthday of..well Jo's sister,Dianne! Dianne was born today to Peter and Anne Rowling.

Dianne or rather Di as she is called was the first to hear Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.
Di :)

Well..I guess that's it for today D:
I know it's more pictures than words but I really need to finish my homework which lying menacingly on the table beyond me.
So I'm wrapping up!
Your Admin,Lily.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Parsley Broomstick #6

Hullo Fellow Potterheads! I hope you've all signed up for Pottermore. Jo Rowling deserves a seat in the Palace.
Anyway,I've got a bunch of Harry Potter facts for you guys. Hope you like them!
1)A magical quill detects the birth of every magical child and records it in a book and Professor McGonagall sends an owl to each child when he or she turns eleven
2)For Hagrid, keeping dangerous creatures is all about overcoming something that could kill him.
3)To remove the tail that Hagrid gave Dudley in the hut on the rock, the Dursleys went to a private hospital where the staff was very discreet, and said that a wart had gone out of control.
4)A few of the Hogwarts professors have spouses, but that information is restricted for reasons we will find out about later.
5)The approximate value of a Galleon is about five pounds ($7.30 or 8.00 Euro), though the exchange rate varies.
6)James Potter was a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team (although the movie claimed he was a Seeker).
7)Nancy Stouffer, the author of The Legend of Rah and the Muggles and Harry Potter and His Best Friend Lilly. sued Rowling because she said Rowling’s books were based on her ideas. Stouffer lost her case in 2002 and was fined for making her claim with forged documents. No other author has claimed that Rowling stole an idea.
8)An outbreak of lice among the children cast members occurred while filming Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
9)Rowling said that when she took an online Sorting Hat quiz, it sorted her into Hufflepuff, one of the four houses of Hogwarts.
10)So many fans visit King’s Cross station to take pictures of platforms 9 and 10 that the station management erected a sign that says “Platform 9 ¾” which, in the Potter books, is invisible to Muggles but acts as a gateway for witches and wizards.
11)When Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was released in Great Britain, the publisher asked stores not to sell the book until schools were closed for the day to prevent truancy
12)Rowling is the first person to become a billionaire (U.S. dollars) by writing books.
13)When Fred and George Weasley bewitched snowballs to bounce off the back of Professor Quirrell's turban in the winter of the 1991–1992 school year, they were unknowingly hitting Voldemort in the face
14)All 700 Quidditch Fouls were committed at the 1473 Quidditch World Cup
15)Hermione's middle name was changed from Jane to Jean to avoid the same middle name as Umbridge.
16)Jo was originally going to kill Arthur Weasley, but decided to kill Remus and Tonks instead. She cried when she decided.
17)James Sirius Potter, Harry and Ginny's son oldest son, stole the Maruader's map from Harry's desk. It can be assumed he figured out how to work it
18)Ginny played Seeker for the Holyhead Harpies, the all-girl Quidditch team she had posters of all over her walls at the Burrow, for several years before retiring to raise a family with Harry.
19)13, which is considered an unlucky number, is the amount of years between Remus and Tonks' ages.
20)The first person to hear Harry's story was Jo's sister, Dianne.

There,20 facts!
Now lets have a look at upcoming birthdays :
27th June : Matthew Lewis,actor who plays Neville Longbottom is born. (1989)
27th June : Dobby the house elf is born. (Year unknown)
28th June : Dianne Rowling,sister to Jo Rowling is born. (1967)
30th June : Predrag Bjelac, the actor who played Igor Karkaroff in the film adaption of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, is born.(1962)
30th June : Dr. Neil Michael Murray, J. K. Rowling's second husband, is born.(1971)
Well,That's it for June! But we know next month that Jo Rowlings,and of course Harry Potters birthday is coming up. :D

Hope you have a nice day!
Your Admin,Lily.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I'm  in tears. I'm crying.

The Parsley Broomstick: Edition #5


With only one hour to go to the Pottermore announcement we've all been waiting for, excitement fills the air.
I, personally, woke up extra early. Which means one should not annoy me right now. But well it's worth it.


I'm not going to talk about Pottermore too much now, my colleagues have covered that topic already!
I wanted to welcome you in the world of A VERY POTTER MUSICAL!

Here is the first part of the first act! A must-see for every Potterfan!
As you may know, Darren Criss, the Glee star, plays Harry Potter in that musical. And I greatly suspect that it is one main key to his success.
Of course the other stars of our favorite musical  have grown a great fandom that supports them!

Here a short list of a few actors/actresses:

  • Lauren Lopez
  • Joe Walker
  • Joe Moses
  • Joey Richter
  • Nick Lang
  • Matt Lang
  • Bonnie Gruesen
  • And many many more!
Starkid, the team that made AVPM, made a row of other plays for you to watch on YouTube.
Like MAMD (Me and My Dick), AVPS (A Very Potter Sequel) and Starship! :D

Laughing (and cute guys) guaranteed!

Your AdminCho. :)