No matter if you're relaxing like this kitty:
Or working on your figure like this motherfucker:
Or just.. ughh.. going to sleep:
Summer sure is in the air!
We all may have different ways to show it, but we all feel it. That wonderful smell of freedom.
So what you do in your summer is up to you.. But here are some suggestions from our team:
1)Visit the Harry Potter theme park!
Come on! What can be cooler than a Harry Potter vacation? Buy a time turner, drink a Butterbeer and get a new wand! The perfect time to relax for every Harry Potter fan!
2) Re-read your favorite books!
If you're not going to go abroad this year, don't be sad! There's plenty of stuff to do at home!
One of which is of course READING. Reading is not only good for you, it also sucks you into a world of imagination. No matter if it's Twilight.. *sigh* or Harry Potter *CHEERS* it sure makes misery easier to live with! Here is a short list of books you should read this summer:
- The House of Night series. Yes, it is about vampires, but bear with me here! The vampires in this book are completely different than those in Twilight. So what are you waiting for? Make friends with Zoey Redbird, a vampire High Priestess in training, kick asses, and get the man of your dreams. *WARNING: Seriously hot guys involved.*
- The Immortal series.
- The Hunger Games.
- The Vampire Diaries.
- The Boy in Striped Pyjamas. (You may bawl your eyes out)
And many many more! :)
3) Movie Marathon with your best buds.
Do I even have to explain the epicness of that?
4) Study your school books.
Yeah well. That's for nerds.
5) Learn things you always wanted to learn!
For example: How to whistle, How to do a cartwheel how to hold your breath under water for a minute... I bet you can think of way more things than I can!
Summer sure is a great thing.
But in case you're Australian or are in the middle of the winter for other reasons.. Don't get upset! There are always other things to look forward to!
Here a few things to love about summer:
- Different fruits and vegetables! Perfect season to start a diet!
- Beautiful weather with lots of sunshine!
- Summer flirt maybe?
- New kinds of sports to try! Swimming in the winter just ain't fun!
- Sure your school friends are the best, but try finding new friends!
- Try out new activities!
- Maybe be a total nerd and start a blog about your favorite book!
- Get a tan!
And we all know why this summer is gonna rock...
The official release date is July 15th. The premiere will be on July 7th in London.
A lot of countries will be able to see the new movie on July 13th or 14th. Other way later at the end of the seventh month.
This is it for todays' Parsley Broomstick!
Your Admin Cho.
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